Current Games
Monday Games

Where: Online. You'll need Roll20, Discord, decent internet and microphone.
When: 1900hrs-2200hrs GMT Mondays. Starting soon.
What: A homebrew campaign on the WoTC Sword Coast setting. Starting at level 3.It will be a good blend of RP with puzzles, combat and letting the dice choose your fate.
Who: Hard core D&D fans to newbies are more than welcome. There will be approx 6 players, and the GM is Steve Cox.
SPACES: Maximum of 6 players, SPACES AVAILABLE.
Interested? Drop us an email with 'Sword Coast' in the header and GM Steve Cox can send you full details.
Wednesday Games

Where: Online. You'll need Roll20, Discord, decent internet and microphone.
When: 0900hrs-1200hrs GMT weekly Wednesday or Friday.
Who: The campaign is suitable for beginers or exerienced players. There will be approx 6 players, and the GM is Si Brodie.
The timeslot might be particularly useful for our military pals in New Zealand or Australia. _
The year is 2183—little more than three years since the destruction of the Hadley’s Hope colony on LV-426, the disappearance of the USS Sulaco, and the closing of the prison and lead works on Fiorina 161. The loss of the Sulaco’s Colonial Marine unit along with these Weyland-Yutani sponsored outposts, and the implications of corporate foul play stemming from these incidents, have created an air of distrust between the company and the United Americas.
To add fuel to the fire, conflicts between the rival sectors of space have increased exponentially in the past five years. While unconfirmed, many believe that Hadley’s Hope was a test site for one of Weyland-Yutani’s bioweapons and that an enemy state sent a warship to nuke it from orbit. Others believe that the Company is working with a rogue nation to assume control of the colonies on the Frontier.
The 2180s are a dangerous time to be alive.
SPACES: Maximum of 6 players, SPACES AVAILABLE.
Interested? Drop us an email with Aliens (and availability for Wednesday or Friday) and GM Si Brodie can send you full details.
Thursday Games Group 1

Where: Online. You'll need Roll20, Skype (yup, old skool), decent internet and microphone.
When: 1930hrs-2200hrs GMT Thursday 8th Sep 2022 and then fortnightly.
What: 'Blight of the Aerdlund Queen' is a TAG 5e homebrew campaign. It will take you from level 5 through to level 10.
Who: The campaign is suitable for beginers or exerienced players and follows on from the Tier 1 'Blight of The Aerdlund Queen Campaign', as you continue your adventures across the Official TAG campaign world of Hesperia.
There are maximum 8 players, and the GM is Gary Colman.
The campaign will take you from level 5 through to level 10 as you battle the dark forces of evil that first drew you from your homeland of Aerdland into Hesperia- a land of magic, mystery and mayhem.
This continues the series of linked one-shots with each session (usually) allowing you to complete a self-contained objective. So if you need to miss the odd session it still works.
SPACES: Maximum of 6 players, CURRENTLY FULL.
Thursday Games Group 2

Where: Online. You'll need Roll20, Skype (yup, old skool), decent internet and microphone.
When: 1930hrs-2200hrs GMT Thursday 2nd November, 2023 and then fortnightly (or can be monthly if group prefer).
What: 'Blight of the Aerdlund Queen' is a TAG 5e homebrew campaign. It will take you from level 1 through to level 4.
Who: The campaign is suitable for beginers or exerienced players and will introdude you to the offical TAG campaign world of Hesperia.
There will be 6 players, and the GM is Gary Colman.
"You've been travelling for days across the bleak, dank moors of TrollMarsh heading towards the Port of Ceryn where you hope to find a longboat that might take you away from this cold, miserable land of Aerdlund and over the Western Ocean to the recenty rediscovered lands of Hesperia.
The legendary Hesperia- a land of myth, magic, mystery and monsters. And treasure! Adventure awaits".
The campaign will take you from level 1 through to level 4 as you leave your homeland of Aerdland and start to adventure out across Hesperia.
It's run as a series of one-shots with each session (usually) allowing you to complete a self-contained objective. So if you need to miss the odd session it still works.
This will be the 7th playing of this campaign world, so it's well developed and a fun game.
SPACES: Maximum of 6 players, SPACES AVAILABLE.
Interested? Drop us an email with 'Aerdlund Queen' in the header and GM Gary Colman can send you full details.
DATE FOR DIARY: Thursday Nov 2nd at 1930hrs GMT.
Friday Games

Where: Online. You'll need Roll20, Discord, decent internet and microphone.
When: 0900hrs-1200hrs GMT weekly Wednesday or Friday.
Who: The campaign is suitable for beginers or exerienced players. There will be approx 6 players, and the GM is Si Brodie.
The timeslot might be particularly useful for our military pals in New Zealand or Australia. _
The year is 2183—little more than three years since the destruction of the Hadley’s Hope colony on LV-426, the disappearance of the USS Sulaco, and the closing of the prison and lead works on Fiorina 161. The loss of the Sulaco’s Colonial Marine unit along with these Weyland-Yutani sponsored outposts, and the implications of corporate foul play stemming from these incidents, have created an air of distrust between the company and the United Americas.
To add fuel to the fire, conflicts between the rival sectors of space have increased exponentially in the past five years. While unconfirmed, many believe that Hadley’s Hope was a test site for one of Weyland-Yutani’s bioweapons and that an enemy state sent a warship to nuke it from orbit. Others believe that the Company is working with a rogue nation to assume control of the colonies on the Frontier.
The 2180s are a dangerous time to be alive.
SPACES: Maximum of 6 players, SPACES AVAILABLE.
Interested? Drop us an email with Aliens (and availability for Wednesday or Friday) and GM Si Brodie can send you full details.